Music Resume Composer, Musician, Educator, in the African American Traditions…. Started playing guitar in late 60’s and 70’s. Played in Church with The Mighty Pilgram Travelers Off Broadway and Broadway shows (musician pit)/ played in High school All City Orchestra – N.Y.C. simultaneously. Graduated with a B.A. at Old Westbury, Long Island, While playing Soho loft scene with Warren Smith and The Composers Workshop, own bands Norman Marcelle quartet, Quintet, Big Band. Musical Director for local R&B artists. Recorded as a leader and sideman over the years/ Local 802. Worked as Musical Director /Truth Records and Radio Productions. Currently performs, lives in Trenton, N.J. teaches an Adult and Youth Music Ensemble sponsored by the Lutheran Churches Inc.. Presently performing + recording in tri state area N.Y.; N.J. + P.A. Norman is also Norman Marcelle a historian / Civil War+ Buffalo Soldier re-enactor.
Norman Marcelle and the Aggregation of Love Facebook page.