Edgar Mariano, Conductor
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Parkway Elementary School Winter Concert 2016
Parkway Elementary School Winter Concert 2016 from the Ewing Public Schools.
Miss Amy Presents Grant to Ewing High School
Grammy Award winner, Miss Amy presents Ewing High School Music Department $50k grant from a private donor in December of 2011. See the reaction of the students as they receive the good news!
Ewing High School Spring concert 2015
2015 Spring Instrumental Music concert, Ewing High School. Mr. Blair Olson, conductor, Band and Orchestra. Mr. Steven Kaplan, conductor, Jazz Ensemble.
Greetings and Salutations
My name is Chris O’Leary and I am a 7th grade teacher at Bordertown Regional Middle School. I’ve been teaching here for 30 years, and while I have contemplated retiring, I’m not qu...
TCNJ Workshop
I feel so lucky to be able to attend this workshop. and to learn all about this project. I am an English teacher at Montgomery High School and a twice graduate of TCNJ.
TCNJ Workshop Introduction
Hello, my name is Kristian Rivera. I teach 8th grade language arts at Bordentown Regional Middle School. I have had a passion for music ever since I can remember. I am always looking for opportu...
TCNJ Makes Me Make Music
As sponsor of the Performing Arts Club at my school (BCIT Westampton in NJ) my students create music and put on shows.
Four Cast Jazz
Hello All! My Name is Blair Olson and I am currently the band and orchestra director of Ewing High School in Ewing, NJ. Here is a clip of a jazz quartet I play with called Four Cast. The other m...